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Hack for Earth Youth Hackathon at COP27

The global online hackathon Hack for Earth at COP27 was organized in collaboration with the UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub, UN World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator, UNICEF Office of Innovation, UNICEF, UNEP, World Bank Youth Summit, SIDA, Radiant Earth Foundation, Empire Partner Foundation and more. The 27th UN high level climate conference, the COP27, was held in Sharm-El-Sheikh in Egypt in November 2022.

The winners

The 7 winners of Hack for Earth Youth Hackathon at COP27
48 hours of hackathon has come to an end and here are the 7x winning solutions! These solutions will now go on to join the Build for Earth acceleration program and become real solutions for the good of society.

Agriculture Category Winner

Agrotech Plus

Team Members:

Switzerland 🇨🇭
Enock Imani,
Kenya 🇰🇪
Grace Heta,
Tanzania 🇹🇿
Mercy Nzuve,
Germany 🇩🇪
Sharon Chacha,
Kenya 🇰🇪


Agrotech Plus is an eco-friendly cold chain company that provides practical and affordable preservation services to smallholder farmers to end post-harvest losses; Kenya is a pilot country. We have developed a solar-powered cooling technology that extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by up to 21 days. Every solar cold room we set up is reducing up to 16.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions each month.

Transport Category Winner

Green Wasalny

Team Members:

Ahmed Gamal Ahmed El Skenedy,
Egypt 🇪🇬
Joseph Nguthiru,
Kenya 🇰🇪
Nada Abdelhady Moamen,
Egypt 🇪🇬
Omnia Hesha,
Egypt 🇪🇬


Supply Chain Land Fleet contributed to 30% of the carbon dioxide emissions produced by the transportation sector worldwide in 2020. As a team, after conducting wide research and brainstorming sessions, we realised that digital tracking and tracing of materials and goods effectively, reliably and responsibly could help reduce GHG emissions. Our smart and innovative solution is "GREEN WASALNY". This is a mobile-based platform that brings Digitalization to the Supply Chain Transportation Cycle. (‘Wasalny’ is Arabic for ‘Drop me to my Location’). "GREEN WASALNY" is a navigation system for fleet drivers that will positively improve the logistics transportation operations’ effectiveness. Companies' owners and fleet operators will not have to worry again as drivers get safe and accurate navigation information while planning routes better to maximize their returns. GREEN WASALNY uses real-time traffic data to avoid delays and reroutes when the road conditions are not conducive. The app is affordable and can be used for an entire fleet. The navigation is still operational even while offline and useful for long cargo hauls without causing driving distractions.

Smart City Category Winner

Klean AIR

Team Members:

Charlotte Heikendorf,
Denmark 🇩🇰
Emmanuel Manny,
South Africa 🇿🇦
Hamisi Briva,
Kenya 🇰🇪
Jeff Ayako,
Kenya 🇰🇪
Kelvin Mulama,
Kenya 🇰🇪


A Data-Driven Decision Making Application That Recommends Customized Action Plans to Climate Policy Makers Using Machine Learning And AI. This project is meant to mitigate climate change by assisting policy makers in choosing the right action to counter emissions of greenhouse gases in Nairobi and to display these plans to the public. We have created a mobile app and a website where it is possible to get an overview over air quality and get recommendations to plant vegetation or make infrastructure changes. We will get our sensor data from Open Data Africa and in a collaboration with Safari network and NGO Purple AIR.

Biodiversity Category Winner


Team Members:

Ana Clara Faria,
Brazil 🇧🇷
Charic Farinango,
Colombia 🇨🇴
Maria Vivian Awori,
Uganda 🇺🇬


EvolveNet combines spatiotemporally aligned satellite imagery with sea turtle metadata, including turtle distribution, sensing data and bycatch information to commercial metadata, providing an interaction risk attention map that enables the prediction of potential turtle risk hotspots and periods. Additionally to this, we also use EvolveNet interpretation using attention maps to understand the underlying factors that lead to each risk area to provide useful policy recommendations to mitigate the hunt and harm of sea turtles. The proposed pipeline has been designed as well for generalizing the method to other species if the metadata is available, allowing a high scalability into any geographical area as all the data is publicly available.

Energy Category Winner


Team Members:

Joe Toh,
Singapore 🇸🇬
Louie Yeow,
Malaysia 🇲🇾
Pawandeep Singh,
Singapore 🇸🇬


A democratised data-driven solution that encourages Electric Vehicle owners to plug in their vehicles to the smart grid. Closing the gaps and enhancing the reliability of the grid while reducing the need to burn more fossil fuel for energy production.

Natural Resources Management Category Winner

Wiper Transformation

Team Members:

Ahmed Khalid,
Egypt 🇪🇬
Amira Mohamed,
Egypt 🇪🇬
Sara Gomaa,
Egypt 🇪🇬


Since cellulosic mass is the most abundant organic polymer in the world, we decided to take advantage of the zero-cost agricultural waste materials in Egypt by transforming palm leaves into bio-cellulosic fibers using chemical treatment & biotechnology. Then take the cellulose granules and make sanitized wipes locally using reverse-engineered hydroentanglement technology.

Sustainable Digital Solutions Category Winner


Team Members:

Fletcher Hartman,
USA 🇺🇸
Karina Pérez Salinas,
Mexico 🇲🇽
Mariko Daisey,
USA 🇺🇸
Rachel Williams,
United Kingdom 🇬🇧


A sustainable digital world requires action big enough to make an impact—and small enough to make people feel it's not disrupting their daily lives. SMALLSMALLbig aims to create an open-source archive of data-driven solutions that are truly small and get seriously huge, starting with a campaign around the electricity wasted by something so small we barely even notice it: our spam folders.

World Map

Participants & Partners







Jury criteria

Each jury group will evaluate your solution based on these six criteria. The jury criteria are equally important in the evaluation. The jury criteria are the same for all 7 challenge categories.


Comprehensibility of the solution proposal’s value proposition and main use case

  • Is it easy to understand the solution?
  • Is it easy to understand how the solution works and how it will be implemented to solve the challenge? 
  • How well detailed is the description of the solution? 
  • Does it include an understanding of the key stakeholders and ecosystems that are relevant to the realisation of the solution?
  • Will the end users of the solution understand it too, or do they need special skills to take part of it or use it?


Realisability of the solution from its current idea stage to implemented solution, used by its intended users in its problem context

  • How realistic is the time plan?
  • Does the solution have access to all the needed data (if applicable)? 
  • How well are potential risks calculated for?
  • How soon can the solution be available to the intended users?
  • Is the technology mature enough (if applicable)?
  • Can a minimum viable product be created within 3 months?
  • Can a proof of concept be created within 6 months?


Innovativeness of the idea behind the solution, as well as the intended technology to be used in an implementation of the solution (if applicable). 

  • In what way is this solution innovative?
  • Are there existing or similar solutions?
  • How does the solution differ from any existing solutions?


Scalability of the solution if it is implemented and realized.

  • How many are experiencing the problem that this solution is intended to solve (if applicable)?
  • How well does this solution scale?

Solving the SDGs

Does this solution correlate to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and how well does it solve the challenge it is intended to address.

  • How well does the solution correlate to the SDGs?
  • In what respect does the solution solve one or more of the SDGs? 
  • How many in the solutions target audience would experience an improvement and how extensive would that improvement be?


Team structure, functionality, adaptability and potential to scale a solution successfully

  • How well is the team suited to realize the solution?
  • Has the team reflected on any additional needs in the team structure to realize the solution?
  • Are the members of this team motivated to invest time and energy to realize this solution?

Challenge Juries

Our partners

Our mentors for
Hack for Earth Youth Hackathon at COP27

Ayenan Salem Mihindeou

Climate Activist, Web writer African Climate and Environment Foundation (ACEF)

Climate change Designing prototype Biodiversity

Abanga Abdul-Karim Ibrahim

Student/ Finance University of Cape Coast

Financial Planning Climate change Artificial intelligence

Abhi Saxena

Management Consultant Accenture-Strategy

Technology: Solution Design and Architecting How to pitch - I have won 8 international hackathons Industry expertise

Adaeze Zita Edokwe

Senior Program Manager Seedstars

Business Model Canvas Design thinking Pitching to investors

Adam Sturesson

System Manager Sida

Sida's data The IATI standard International aid data

Ali Ayoub

Vice president لأuardians of nature

Management, communication, strategic planning, design thinking Environmental conservation, human rights activist Project manager, industry expert (participated in five hackathons previously)

Allen Selima Hossain

Senior Consultant I Ambassador Seedstar Freelancer

Pitch deck Problem solution Market Creativity for all types of startups Competency Market Research

Ameen Raad Hadeed

Strategy and Innovation Consultant Independent consultant - Former Takween Accelerator

Business Strategy Startup fundraising


Consultant within Hydroponics Private


Amélie Ebongué

Global Head of Brand & Social Marketing, Bestselling Author & Multicultural Strategist NA

Social media ecosystem Disrupting the ownership economy in digital area Sustainable digital solutions

Ana Clara Gobbes Faria

Content Analyst Informa Markets

Content Marketing 2030 Agenda Journalistic Writing

Ashutosh deosthali

Tech Manager HSBC

digital solutions for medical purpose Digital solutions for clean environment digital solutions for self development

Ashwini Kumar

Technology Lead in Amazon Alexa Amazon

Cloud, AWS, Alexa, Data security Software Engineering, APIs, Java, Architecture Diagrams, Credit Cards and financial services DynamoDb, Serverless technologies, Streaming services

Avinash Deshpande

Licensed Certified ICF Coach / AssoDirector BakerTilly JFC Qatat

Communication , Connections , Creativity , Collaboration Startup Pitching Personal Growth as a CXO

Babu Ram Shankar

Associate Director AstraZeneca

Sustainability Lifesciences/Pharmaceutical Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Bamidele Isaac Itunu

Academic/SDG Advocate SDSN IRP 2022 Ex-Mentor

Quality Education Systems Thinking, Designs and Modeling Social Entrepreneurship




Bendjedid Rachad Sanoussi

Projects and partnerships assistant Ecolotrip

Tech4Agric Youth4Climate Tech4Climate

Benoit de Chateauvieux

Startup Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services

Cloud Computing - AWS Software Architecture

Camilla Fransson

Carbon Cost Advisor AFRY Infrastructure

Climate mitigation within large infrastructure projects. Climate mitigation within procurement Climate mitigation within procurement

Catalina Valenzuela

CEO Innovus

Digital Transformation Mainstream Gender/DEI Theory of change

Christopher Odu

IT Consultant Ecweb Technology

Digital Transformation Internet Governance Policies Blockchain

Claudia Berenice Muciño García

Architect / Professor ITESM

Cities Sustainability Mobility

Dakou Dossiya

Green entrepreneur Green Energies For Eternal Wonderland GEFE2

African agriculture Low-cost irrigation systems Cloud solutions for a digital and ecological agriculture