Swedish Government Offices Hackathon Workshop
On October 23, 2019, the Swedish Government's National Innovation Council, led by then Prime Minister Mr. Stefan Löfvén, held a regional Innovation Council meeting at Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden.
Hackathon Workshop: Swedish Government Offices Case Study/b>
On October 23, 2019, the Swedish Government’s National Innovation Council, led by then Prime Minister Mr. Stefan Löfvén, held a regional Innovation Council meeting at Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden. The goal of these regional meetings is to gather insights from local and regional experiences to inform national policy development. In conjunction with this meeting, we organized two impactful hackathon workshops.
Key Metrics
Winning Teams
Example Project
Swedish Government Offices Case Study
Event Structure:
Topics and Focus Areas:
- E-Health: Addressing the future of healthcare through digital solutions.
- Water Scarcity:** Developing innovative approaches to tackle water scarcity issues.
Workshop Format:
- Duration: Each workshop lasted for 3 hours.
- Collaboration Methods: Participants were equipped with collaborative methods to identify common goals and devise solutions for societal challenges, following the structured format of a traditional hackathon.
Action-Oriented Outcomes:
- Solution Development: Teams worked intensively to create actionable solutions.
- Stakeholder Identification: Each solution included a clear identification of relevant stakeholders.
- Funding and Next Steps: Participants outlined potential funding organizations and defined the next steps to advance their solutions.
Policy Development Support: Provided the Innovation Council with actionable insights and innovative solutions to inform national policy.
Engagement and Collaboration: Facilitated collaboration among participants from diverse backgrounds, fostering a culture of innovation.
Real-World Impact: Generated practical solutions addressing critical societal issues such as E-health and water scarcity.
Why Choose a Hackathon Workshop:
Our Hackathon Workshops are designed to tackle specific challenges within a structured, collaborative environment. These workshops are ideal for government bodies, corporations, and organizations looking to drive innovation and develop actionable solutions. Participants are guided through a focused process that encourages creativity, teamwork, and practical problem-solving.
Experience the Power of Focused Innovation:
With our Hackathon Workshops, your organization can address pressing challenges and develop solutions that are both innovative and actionable. Whether your focus is on technology, sustainability, healthcare, or any other area, our workshops provide the tools and framework needed to make a real impact.
Each jury group will evaluate your solution based on these six criteria. The jury criteria are equally important in the evaluation. The jury criteria are the same for all 7 challenge categories.
Comprehensibility of the solution proposal’s value proposition and main use case
- Is it easy to understand the solution?
- Is it easy to understand how the solution works and how it will be implemented to solve the challenge?
- How well detailed is the description of the solution?
- Does it include an understanding of the key stakeholders and ecosystems that are relevant to the realisation of the solution?
- Will the end users of the solution understand it too, or do they need special skills to take part of it or use it?
Innovativeness of the idea behind the solution, as well as the intended technology to be used in an implementation of the solution (if applicable).
- In what way is this solution innovative?
- Are there existing or similar solutions?
- How does the solution differ from any existing solutions?
Solving the SDGs
Does this solution correlate to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and how well does it solve the challenge it is intended to address.
- How well does the solution correlate to the SDGs?
- In what respect does the solution solve one or more of the SDGs?
- How many in the solutions target audience would experience an improvement and how extensive would that improvement be?
Realisability of the solution from its current idea stage to implemented solution, used by its intended users in its problem context
- How realistic is the time plan?
- Does the solution have access to all the needed data (if applicable)?
- How well are potential risks calculated for?
- How soon can the solution be available to the intended users?
- Is the technology mature enough (if applicable)?
- Can a minimum viable product be created within 3 months?
- Can a proof of concept be created within 6 months?
Scalability of the solution if it is implemented and realized.
- How many are experiencing the problem that this solution is intended to solve (if applicable)?
- How well does this solution scale?
Team structure, functionality, adaptability and potential to scale a solution successfully
- How well is the team suited to realize the solution?
- Has the team reflected on any additional needs in the team structure to realize the solution?
- Are the members of this team motivated to invest time and energy to realize this solution?

For more information on how we can create a custom Hackathon Workshop for your organization, please contact us.
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